I belong to a very special political party - it is called "WE THE PEOPLE". I am trying to steer the ship to the American People.
I am deeply troubled because I am having great difficulty deciding which Presidential Candidate has shown me that they can be the President that I want to lead our country in solving the enormous problems that will face the President, The Congress and the American People.
These are some of the major factors that are causing me to have this difficulty in deciding which Candidate will be the best for the country and for basically "WE THE PEOPLE". In listing these factors I will give my own impressions of how each candidate measures up to the factors tested.
1. Integrity and Crossing the Isle for good politics:
In this factor, I believe that both Candidates will try to act with integrity if elected. Both Candidates show that presently and for many years past , they both have strong family values and I believe will try to avoid any conflict of interest with any special interests. I think both Candidates have compromised on certain principles when they had to vote on legislation that had both good and bad features. However, I believe, it was not for personal benefit, but for getting legislation passed that had some important good features that they believed in. This is the nature of legislative politics and is very difficult hurtle to overcome. In this area I think both candidates have been "mavericks", but Senator McCain has been so for a substantially longer period of time, having served in public service for most of Senator O'bama's lifetime.
2. Judgement and Experience to serve as the military Commander in Chief in an international military crisis.
In this area I believe that Senator McCain has had the advantage of long experience and a long period of contacts with many international leaders. His ability to face a military crisis and analyze it from a military point of view is probably superior to Senator Obama's. Not withstanding, Senator Obama's academic experience is probably superior to Senator McCain's. Therefore, his ability to analyze all aspects of military decision from a political, economic, social and international effect on a one on one basis (McCain vs Obama) is probably superior. and overall may be more effective.
If at this point in an international military my ideal appointments between the two would be to have Senator Obama as President and Senator John McCain as Secretary of Defense and as chief military advisor to the President as military Commander in Chief.
Not withstanding, as long as either Candidate finds the best qualified military, national security, and international political advisers, whose opinions they trust and can be relied on, either Candidate as President should make the right decisions for the American people.
Senator Obama will have to rely on military advisers, more than Senator McCain, because of Senator McCain's war experience and his long service in US Senate and Congress, on key committees.
However, Senator Obama has shown that his superior academic experience has enabled him to run a very successful political primary campaign, in a business like manner against superior odds. This may be due more to successful political advisers who helped him avoid a lot of political mistakes during the primary campaign.
Senator McCain ran a Republican primary campaign as a maverick, where he demonstrated his perseverance against adversity, which is probably a direct result of his prisoner of war experience. Very few Americans could have performed as admirably as Senator McCain did during his 6 1/2 years as a POW. His military analysis of the "Surge Approach" was certainly more on the money than Senator Obama's. However, this is probably due also to the superior military management of General David Petraeus, whom Senator McCain supported and approved of, even when it was politically unpopular to do so. This is one of Senator McCain's superior qualities as a military leader. His distaste for any condolence for torture of war combatants, as well as his complete opposition to fighting a war without the proper amount of men and equipment are good reasons why he would not consider military options carelessly to settle international military crises.
He knows first hand what personal sacrifice our national treasure (Our men and women in Military Service) may have to make. I truly believe that he would rather lose an election and than lose or fight an unnecessary war if it could be avoided by other means (international diplomacy).
Men who have served in war for our country, and have lost brothers and sisters in arms, would rather avoid a war, than wage it unprepared or for the wrong reasons, or without a proper exit and peace plan when the battles of war have been won.
I also believe, that although he lacks both the military and international political experience as compared to Senator McCain, that Senator Obama would be very careful about using the military option. I believe he should know how to seek out trusted and qualified military advice. I believe he has the analytical expertise to analyze and properly digest all of the military, political (internationally and domestically), the economic and social factors.
Even with his expertise as a public political speaker, the biggest question will be if Senator Obama as President can convince others in the outside international world (both opponents and allies) , that he will (carefully and well planned) use the military option, if no other option in his opinion can succeed, after careful analysis with qualified and trusted advisers.
3. Economics, Taxation, Alternative Energy and the Environment
This is the area that disappoints me most about both candidates. Neither candidate has extensive business managerial experience in the private sector as a governor of a state. Both candidates have spent most of their adult lives in public service as legislators.
Senator McCain , as a Naval Academy Graduate (even if not the highest in his graduating class) did give him an academic military education which is a benefit to him if he serves as a military Commander in Chief. His primary economic experience is really only from a long legislative experience and as an officer in the US Navy.
Senator McCain did have one period of managerial experience when he took over command of the Naval Air Unit in Florida with good results. His long service in Congress has provided him from a legislative point of view with some economic experience
Senator Obama is a graduate lawyer from Harvard Law with very high honors, which gives him an academic edge with respect to economics and taxation. However his work experience did not include a real practical experience in the area of taxation and its economic effects.
His successful experience as a community organizer, which did have managerial aspects to the endeavors in the semi-private sector, did give him some economic experience in addition to his limited legislative experience in the Illinois legislature and the US Senate..
Neither of these two candidates (nor the President, the Congress or the media) understands,or has any knowledge or has ever personally read about "The Theory of Tax-Enomics"or any of the economic proposals using this theory, although their campaigns, Senate offices, the White House and the media have received numerous emails and web mails with these proposed problem solutions.
As usual as politicians and the media in Washington, they have not been willing to listen to any other ideas from the public, other than their own. This is evidenced by the numerous boilerplate intern responses that say (I am paraphrasing) - "Thank you for your interest in writing us - here is our ideas and proposals. but due to the volume of emails and web mails we do not have the time to respond to all emails and web mails sent to us"
They NEVER acknowledge any of the ideas presented, never voice an opinion on the ideas presented - although encouraged, because the proposed solutions all come with the statement that we ask you to at least read the ideas and proposals and tell us where you feel they will not work, but we do not believe you can. We can respect disagreement, but not the lack of courtesy to respond where someone has taken extensive time and analysis to present them with new and unique proposals on many topics, including the questions that have been asked and never answered as follows:
1. What is the world's most powerful, but most under utilized military weapon system which has defeated terrorists and insurgents decisively every single time it has been used in Iraq?
This weapon system attacks the Achilles Heel of Al Quada and other terrorists, It can win the the war on terror in Iraq and bring our troops home with honor and with term limits, without cutting and running. Both candidates have personally experienced the power of this weapon system. However, they have never personally read about it or responded to the emails and web mails sent to them about using this military weapons system that is MIA in Iraq.
2. Do either of the candidates, the White House, the Congress and or the media understand or acknowledge what is the hidden "AMT" tax that works in the reverse (The lowest income taxpayer pays the higher rate of tax)? How, using the Theory of Tax-Enomics, this hidden "AMT" tax structure can be revised with lower rates and increased tax revenues, and at the same time provide a BASIC national health care solution. It may not even be too complex for our students of legislative taxation - The candidates, the White House, the Congress and the media.
3. What will be our primary source of energy in the years 3000 and 4000, when all of the fossil fuels will have been consumed, and bio fuels will either be limited or non-existent because the world's population will have increased at least hundred fold and will need everything grown to feed itself.? Also there will be no where safe on earth to deposit any nuclear waste.
What plan using the Theory of Tax-Enomics can make our country energy sufficient domestically, and at the same time increase tax revenues using lower tax rates, while granting domestic tax credits to US Taxpayers? How using the Theory of Tax-Enomics can this plan be basically self financing, reverse our current economic and infra-structure crisises, with the creation of jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA"?
I believe that the Presidential Candidate that can answer correctly the above questions will get the keys to White House with a 4 year renewable lease. However they would have to read my blog WWW.THECANDUMEMO.BLOGSPOT.COM
for complete details.
Some other food for thought
When my mother passed away at the age of 86, my uncle her brother made the following comment at her funeral which is very appra pro for the present candidates.
"She had the cleanest mind, because she changed it so often."
When a Presidential candidate changes his position on an issue or a policy, he is not "flip-floping", he is just cleaning his mind.
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