14 QUESTIONS That need to be asked the President-Elect Obama and that have never been answered
If the media would read my blog, they would have some great questions to ask the President-Elect Obama in their next TV interview or program for A REAL CHANGE.
Since they have not read the blog see the questions below that have never been asked and need to be answered.
The questions and the correct answers to all of these questions are in my blog which has been emailed, faxed, web mailed and carrier pigeoned to the President and the President-Elect (and all of the Presidential candidates), Congress and the media numerous times.
Some of the answers are so simple that it is scary. The answers are not part of the present Democratic, Republican, Liberal or Conservative programs.
AFTER SENDING ALL OF THE CANDIDATES AN EMAIL SUGGESTION TO READ THE DALE CARNEGIE 'S BOOK "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE", ALL OF THE CANDIDATES DEFINITELY STARTED USING THAT APPROACH. However President-Elect Obama has more successfully used the Dale Carnegie approach and made history. Let us see if the President and the President-Elect can be statesmen, and not politicians, if they can also read and recognize a good idea to solve this nation's problems.
Politicians' Motto: Remember "ASK ME NO QUESTIONS AND I WILL TELL YOU NO LIES." Statesmen' motto should be "Put politics aside and serve my country first in the best way I know how".
An historic opportunity will be missed if these questions are not asked the President-Elect Obama on the next TV Presidential interview program.
The questions and the correct answers to all of these questions are in my blog which has been emailed, faxed, web mailed and carrier pigeoned to the President, the President-Elect (and all of the Presidential candidates ), Congress and the media numerous times. Some of the answers are so simple that it is scary.
The answers are not part of the present Democratic, Republican, Liberal or Conservative programs. They are part of THE WE THE PEOPLE'S PLATFORM from all of the states that are now RED, WHITE and BLUE. They have been MIA - missing in action in the Presidential campaigns and media coverage.
THE QUESTIONS that need to be asked: :
1. What is the world's most powerful weapon (more powerful than a B2 bomber loaded with nuclear weapons), how would you use it in Iraq as a political solution (NOW DESPERATELY NEEDED TO WIN IN IRAQ) before an Iraqi-US Crisis when our forces agreement in Iraq expires at year's end?
- General Petraeus, Defense Secretary Gates, and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should also be asked this question as they too have been previously sent the answers.
- This weapon system attacks the Achilles Heel of Al Quada and other terrorists, It can win the war on terror in Iraq and bring our troops home with honor and with term limits, without cutting and running. Both candidates have personally experienced the power of this weapon system. However, they have never personally read about it or responded to the emails and web mails sent to them about using this military weapons system that is MIA in Iraq.
2. If you know the answer, Has this weapon system been used in the US successfully recently?
3. Would you vote for a 1040 check off box on the tax form 1040 for a WE THE PEOPLE SUPPORT THE TROOPS FUND for $5 of the taxpayer's taxes - just like the Presidential Campaign check off Box? If $5 is too high (and would hurt the Congressional Universal Pork Programs and the Presidential Campaign Finance Program) would they vote for a $1 check off box program?
4. As President would you ask some of the countries, such as South Korea, Japan, and Germany, if we could borrow 25,000 of their troops in each respective country to replace 75,000 of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (who we financially support in their country at our expense)?
5. If not, would they each (country) send 25,000 of their combat troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to ease our burden so that we could send home 75,000 of our National Guard troops to serve at home guarding and sealing our national borders?
6. Is it possible using the principles in the THEORY of Tax-Enomics, to lower tax rates and increase tax revenues, and if so tell us the principles and equation used in this theory?
7. What is the hidden AMT Tax that works in the reverse (The lowest income taxpayer pays the higher rate of tax), where a taxpayer who earns $1,000,000 pays this tax at the rate of .006045% and the taxpayer who earns $10,000 pays the TEN TIMES higher rate of 6.20000%?
8. Is it possible , using the Theory of Tax-Enomics, that this hidden "AMT" tax structure be revised to increase tax revenues and to lower payroll taxes enough, that we could use a Health Basic Care Tax to finance part of a Universal Health Basic Care Program, similar to Medicare without increasing the total payroll taxes presently being assessed against all taxpayers earning less than $100,000 per year?
- It may not even be too complex for our students of legislative taxation - The candidates, the White House, the Congress and the media.
9. How could we integrate, solve and control (for the benefit of the US Consumer of gasoline to avoid foreign oil import gas price gouging) our problem of dependence on foreign oil imports with an integrated program solution to stop the future insolvency of the Social Security fund?
- Can you describe this program in basic detail?
10. What will be our primary source of energy in the years 3000 and 4000, when all of the fossil fuels will have been consumed, and bio fuels will either be limited or non-existent because the world's population will have increased at least hundred fold and will need everything grown to feed itself? Also there will be no where safe on earth to deposit any nuclear waste.
- Which alternative energy can be the most cost effective to use because of its unlimited supply for ever?
11. What plan using the Theory of Tax-Enomics can make our country energy sufficient domestically, and at the same time increase tax revenues using lower tax rates, while granting domestic tax credits to US Taxpayers?
- How using the Theory of Tax-Enomics can the is plan be basically self financing, reverse our current economic and infra-structure crisises, with the creation of jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA"?
- Would they vote for a Solar Panel WPA program to put solar panels manufactured in the US (with materials and jobs stamped MADE IN THE USA) on 2,000,000 federal, state and local government office buildings?
- Would they vote to expand this SOLAR PANEL WPA program to put SOLAR PANELS on 20,000,000 homes in the US?
12. Would they vote for dramatically increased R&D to solve the need for maximum efficiency for a cost effective system for storing and collecting Solar Energy, such as placing them on the roofs of all passenger and freight trains, or by using magnification of Sunlight?
13. Which programs, using the principles of THE THEORY of Tax-Enomcs, having a major change in the tax laws, could have a substantial effect on stabilizing the present home market value crisis and provide a specific program to solve the home mortgage foreclosure crisis?
14. Which programs, using the principles of THE THEORY of Tax-Enomcs - at both the Federal and State Levels, could dramatically revive the US Auto Industry, with alternative energy power sources,"GREEN JOBS" stamped "MADE IN THE USA", and competitively prices for vehicles sold?
There are more questions, but if the President-Elect gets all the right answers to ALL of these questions, he will definitely will serve our country first and get the keys to a 4 year renewable lease of the White House.
The Media program that uses these ideas and questions in their program will certainly raise their ratings.
Guaranteed those that have not read the blog, will fail to get the right answers.
Other food for thought for all from an excerpt from my blog:
MRCANDU10 (Cousin of MR.GET-IT DONE)I leave you with one other thought from
Politicians, Governments, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretaries of State and Defense, Foreign Ministers, Defense Ministers, Parliaments, Congress and Generals make and declare War.However, it is always WE THE PEOPLE (and rarely, but not never, any of the above) who with our national treasure - the volunteer youths of our country who have to fight and die in the wars.
True statesmen after considering all the consequences from the loss of our national treasure who will only use war as a last method of dealing with radical, totalitarian governments and their dictators that support terrorism.
Just as the pen is mightier than the sword, the "VOTE WEAPON" is more powerful than our mightiest military weapon. It is the missing political and military solution needed today. It is time to unleash its power to win decisively THE WAR ON TERROR worldwide.
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