I will try to steer the ship to you Mr. President
Mr. President
If you give me 10 minutes I will give you Mr. President the keys to Jerusalem
Do Not Be Sleeping on
the Ship
Wed January 9, 2008,
BY EMAIL and FAX : 202-456-1907
January 9, 2008
President George W. Bush
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC
RE: BI-Partisan Solutions for a President - A Mid East Solution with a 30 day window
This is an update of a previous faxes to POTUS on 11/17/04 and 11/07/2007
Dear Mr. President
I have an idea for a solution to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict that may only have a short window. This solution is built on the new Bush doctrine of building trust between the parties.The following are certain given conclusions which I doubt that anyone will dispute.
1. The Palestinians have both moderates and extremists (Hamas, Islamic Jihad,Hezbollah and numerous other extremist factions). However, no moderate Palestinian leader will ever succeed, without the extremists assenting to letting him (or her) to succeed. At present there are two chances for this to happen, and they are not even “slim or none”. There are moderates, who if allowed to by extremists, could succeed if the hearts and minds of the Palestinian people were won.
2. All proposals in the past to settle this conflict, have never let the United States to be in the driver’s seat or with any power to restrain the parties from violating any agreement.
3. History has proven that even where there has been inhumane behavior by parties to a conflict, that many years later the parties can mend some or most fences if the opportunities are there and people have relearned to trust each other. However, most of those, who suffered directly in the conflict, have great difficulty even after many years, forgiving the countrymen of the then enemy, who inflicted on them the inhumane pain (be-headings, torture, bombings etc.). Examples are the relationship of the US with Germany and Japan.Think of those died and those who survived at Bataan or the American soldiers who died at Wake Island and Midway, and elsewhere in the South Pacific. Look at the unique relationship between the German and Israeli governments since the formation of the state of Israel after the Holocaust. Look at our current relationship developing between Vietnam and the United States.
4. The Palestinian people at present have an extremely high rate of poverty and unemployment, lack of government infrastructure, and many other economic and social problems - all of which make the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the refugee camps a breeding ground for terrorists and suicide bombers. Due to the security requirements the Israelis have no choice but to restrict free movement of Palestinians who want to work in Israel. Isreal can never make a peace while rockets continue from Gaza to land in Israel.
5. Yassar Arafat represented a symbol to the Palestinians of macho bravado, because he stood up to the Israelis. However, the corruption within the PLO government was as rampant as any unchecked disease. When he passed, the Hamas was able to succeed politically with the Palestinian people because they appeared to be a new government with far less corruption, even though they openly supported Terrorism. The Hamas used the VOTE WEAPON to succeed to their power. The Hamas might not be able to win an election today if run in both Gaza and the West Bank. Now the PLO with its shell government operating from the West Bank, completely divorced from the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, is operating like a successor government. Its present leader Mr. Abaas is powerless, unless he wins the hearts and minds of the Palestinian People.
6. With Madrases educating the Palestinian children in the art of bomb making, the cycle of violence is built into the roots of the Palestinians, which on the outside appears to be a hopeless enigma.
Now that we have stated the problem which is obvious to most people who are familiar with the history since the establishment of the State of Israel, we ask ourselves what are the possible results if we find the solutions to these problems.
First we must ask ourselves to close our eyes and picture an Israeli State and a Palestinian State living securely side by side with each of its citizens having no fear from the other. Is this a dream or a figment of the imagination.?
Second we must ask ourselves to close our eyes and picture a Palestinian State of Gaza and the West Bank, which has now become an economic power in the Middle East, a full competitor of Israel. The Palestinian people, now with our eyes closed, we see are removed from their abject poverty and have become a state of full employment of its citizens, with the highest state of employment and standard of living of any Arab state in the Middle East. Its citizens have improved their educational status so they can develop the technology to compete with the modern world. The agriculture flourishes, by use of high technology to more than feed its people, they export to the world. Manufacturing industries have bloomed, that they are exporting products to the rest of the world. Democracy flows to all its people and corruption in government is minuscule. Citizens of Palestine and Israel move freely between the states, without fear of terror, because there is trust by both peoples in each other.
Is this a dream or is this a possibility? I believe it is a possibility, with a brand new but very bold approach. However, we may only have a a very short window and time is of the essence.
There is a way to succeed, but it is a new and uniquely different approach. However, if accepted it could be the beginning of a new era. We have a limited amount of time to plant the seeds for Mid East peace, or it may be gone for centuries.
The answers to the above will involve delicate but very skillful and possibly secret diplomacy. Accordingly, I will not disclose the full details in this Email and the fax. As part of the solution, it does involve very specific use of the under -utilized "VOTE WEAPON" - the World's Most Powerful Military weapon, more powerful than a B2 Stealth bomber with nuclear bombs. This weapon has worked successfully every single time it has been used in Iraq. How it can be used now to get a 2 state solution is the key to success in your peace process endeavors. Rhetoric alone will not succeed. It will involve having the Palestinian people directly involved in their own future. For some additional detail read my main blog, you will find the basis for getting you the keys to Jerusalem. The delicate part of the secret diplomacy will only be disclosed on a personal contact basis. Your investment wll only be 10 minutes of your time and can save many lives. You will get some "sachel" for a solution when you read the blog.
As JFK said
Well Mr. President I am trying to do a "Mitzvah"."Ask not what your country can do for
you, but what you can do for your country."
I only hope you Mr. President will listen. Then you can do a "Mitzvah".
I leave you with one other thought from “WE THE PEOPLE”.
Politicians, Governments, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretaries of State and Defense, Foreign Ministers, Defense Ministers, Parliaments, and Congresses make and declare War. However, it is always the people who have to fight and die in the wars. True statesmen will only use war as a last method of dealing with dictators of radical, totalitarian
governments.Just as the pen is mightier than the sword, the "VOTE WEAPON" is more powerful than our mightiest military weapon.
Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. A personal response would be appreciated, even if you disagree with the ideas.
If you believe it is worthwhile to hear it I will come to Washington to meet with you in the West Wing personally.
Respectfully yours,
MRCANDU10Lloyd Michael Abrahams CPA
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