Sunday, September 21, 2008


I belong to a very special political party - it is called "WE THE PEOPLE". I am trying to steer the ship to the American People.

I am deeply troubled because I am having great difficulty deciding which Presidential Candidate has shown me that they can be the President that I want to lead our country in solving the enormous problems that will face the President, The Congress and the American People.

These are some of the major factors that are causing me to have this difficulty in deciding which Candidate will be the best for the country and for basically "WE THE PEOPLE". In listing these factors I will give my own impressions of how each candidate measures up to the factors tested.

1. Integrity and Crossing the Isle for good politics:
In this factor, I believe that both Candidates will try to act with integrity if elected. Both Candidates show that presently and for many years past , they both have strong family values and I believe will try to avoid any conflict of interest with any special interests. I think both Candidates have compromised on certain principles when they had to vote on legislation that had both good and bad features. However, I believe, it was not for personal benefit, but for getting legislation passed that had some important good features that they believed in. This is the nature of legislative politics and is very difficult hurtle to overcome. In this area I think both candidates have been "mavericks", but Senator McCain has been so for a substantially longer period of time, having served in public service for most of Senator O'bama's lifetime.

2. Judgement and Experience to serve as the military Commander in Chief in an international military crisis.

In this area I believe that Senator McCain has had the advantage of long experience and a long period of contacts with many international leaders. His ability to face a military crisis and analyze it from a military point of view is probably superior to Senator Obama's. Not withstanding, Senator Obama's academic experience is probably superior to Senator McCain's. Therefore, his ability to analyze all aspects of military decision from a political, economic, social and international effect on a one on one basis (McCain vs Obama) is probably superior. and overall may be more effective.

If at this point in an international military my ideal appointments between the two would be to have Senator Obama as President and Senator John McCain as Secretary of Defense and as chief military advisor to the President as military Commander in Chief.

Not withstanding, as long as either Candidate finds the best qualified military, national security, and international political advisers, whose opinions they trust and can be relied on, either Candidate as President should make the right decisions for the American people.

Senator Obama will have to rely on military advisers, more than Senator McCain, because of Senator McCain's war experience and his long service in US Senate and Congress, on key committees.

However, Senator Obama has shown that his superior academic experience has enabled him to run a very successful political primary campaign, in a business like manner against superior odds. This may be due more to successful political advisers who helped him avoid a lot of political mistakes during the primary campaign.

Senator McCain ran a Republican primary campaign as a maverick, where he demonstrated his perseverance against adversity, which is probably a direct result of his prisoner of war experience. Very few Americans could have performed as admirably as Senator McCain did during his 6 1/2 years as a POW. His military analysis of the "Surge Approach" was certainly more on the money than Senator Obama's. However, this is probably due also to the superior military management of General David Petraeus, whom Senator McCain supported and approved of, even when it was politically unpopular to do so. This is one of Senator McCain's superior qualities as a military leader. His distaste for any condolence for torture of war combatants, as well as his complete opposition to fighting a war without the proper amount of men and equipment are good reasons why he would not consider military options carelessly to settle international military crises.

He knows first hand what personal sacrifice our national treasure (Our men and women in Military Service) may have to make. I truly believe that he would rather lose an election and than lose or fight an unnecessary war if it could be avoided by other means (international diplomacy).

Men who have served in war for our country, and have lost brothers and sisters in arms, would rather avoid a war, than wage it unprepared or for the wrong reasons, or without a proper exit and peace plan when the battles of war have been won.

I also believe, that although he lacks both the military and international political experience as compared to Senator McCain, that Senator Obama would be very careful about using the military option. I believe he should know how to seek out trusted and qualified military advice. I believe he has the analytical expertise to analyze and properly digest all of the military, political (internationally and domestically), the economic and social factors.

Even with his expertise as a public political speaker, the biggest question will be if Senator Obama as President can convince others in the outside international world (both opponents and allies) , that he will (carefully and well planned) use the military option, if no other option in his opinion can succeed, after careful analysis with qualified and trusted advisers.

3. Economics, Taxation, Alternative Energy and the Environment
This is the area that disappoints me most about both candidates. Neither candidate has extensive business managerial experience in the private sector as a governor of a state. Both candidates have spent most of their adult lives in public service as legislators.

Senator McCain , as a Naval Academy Graduate (even if not the highest in his graduating class) did give him an academic military education which is a benefit to him if he serves as a military Commander in Chief. His primary economic experience is really only from a long legislative experience and as an officer in the US Navy.

Senator McCain did have one period of managerial experience when he took over command of the Naval Air Unit in Florida with good results. His long service in Congress has provided him from a legislative point of view with some economic experience

Senator Obama is a graduate lawyer from Harvard Law with very high honors, which gives him an academic edge with respect to economics and taxation. However his work experience did not include a real practical experience in the area of taxation and its economic effects.

His successful experience as a community organizer, which did have managerial aspects to the endeavors in the semi-private sector, did give him some economic experience in addition to his limited legislative experience in the Illinois legislature and the US Senate..

Neither of these two candidates (nor the President, the Congress or the media) understands,or has any knowledge or has ever personally read about "The Theory of Tax-Enomics"or any of the economic proposals using this theory, although their campaigns, Senate offices, the White House and the media have received numerous emails and web mails with these proposed problem solutions.

As usual as politicians and the media in Washington, they have not been willing to listen to any other ideas from the public, other than their own. This is evidenced by the numerous boilerplate intern responses that say (I am paraphrasing) - "Thank you for your interest in writing us - here is our ideas and proposals. but due to the volume of emails and web mails we do not have the time to respond to all emails and web mails sent to us"

They NEVER acknowledge any of the ideas presented, never voice an opinion on the ideas presented - although encouraged, because the proposed solutions all come with the statement that we ask you to at least read the ideas and proposals and tell us where you feel they will not work, but we do not believe you can. We can respect disagreement, but not the lack of courtesy to respond where someone has taken extensive time and analysis to present them with new and unique proposals on many topics, including the questions that have been asked and never answered as follows:

1. What is the world's most powerful, but most under utilized military weapon system which has defeated terrorists and insurgents decisively every single time it has been used in Iraq?

This weapon system attacks the Achilles Heel of Al Quada and other terrorists, It can win the the war on terror in Iraq and bring our troops home with honor and with term limits, without cutting and running. Both candidates have personally experienced the power of this weapon system. However, they have never personally read about it or responded to the emails and web mails sent to them about using this military weapons system that is MIA in Iraq.

2. Do either of the candidates, the White House, the Congress and or the media understand or acknowledge what is the hidden "AMT" tax that works in the reverse (The lowest income taxpayer pays the higher rate of tax)? How, using the Theory of Tax-Enomics, this hidden "AMT" tax structure can be revised with lower rates and increased tax revenues, and at the same time provide a BASIC national health care solution. It may not even be too complex for our students of legislative taxation - The candidates, the White House, the Congress and the media.

3. What will be our primary source of energy in the years 3000 and 4000, when all of the fossil fuels will have been consumed, and bio fuels will either be limited or non-existent because the world's population will have increased at least hundred fold and will need everything grown to feed itself.? Also there will be no where safe on earth to deposit any nuclear waste.

What plan using the Theory of Tax-Enomics can make our country energy sufficient domestically, and at the same time increase tax revenues using lower tax rates, while granting domestic tax credits to US Taxpayers? How using the Theory of Tax-Enomics can this plan be basically self financing, reverse our current economic and infra-structure crisises, with the creation of jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA"?

Most of the tax proposals that the candidates have vaguely presented, show that they have a complete lack of knowledge and understanding in the Theory of Tax-Enomics. Taxes are like cholersterol - there are good (economically benefical) taxes like good cholesterol and there are bad regressive taxes like bad cholesterol.

I believe that the Presidential Candidate that can answer correctly the above questions will get the keys to White House with a 4 year renewable lease. However they would have to read my blog WWW.THECANDUMEMO.BLOGSPOT.COM
for complete details.

Some other food for thought
When my mother passed away at the age of 86, my uncle her brother made the following comment at her funeral which is very appra pro for the present candidates.

"She had the cleanest mind, because she changed it so often."

When a Presidential candidate changes his position on an issue or a policy, he is not "flip-floping", he is just cleaning his mind.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Theory Of Tax-Enomics Solution for Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection, Social Security Fund Solvency, and a Subsidy for Basic Health Care

Provoq concept is GM's look at a fuel-cell electric vehicle for the luxury market..


  • to repair equitably and fairly the SOCIAL SECURITY FUND's assessment of payroll taxes (SOCIAL SECURITY TAX) for employees and employers

  • to resolve the future Insolvency of the SOCIAL SECURITY FUND. and provide for a Health Basic Care Tax to subsidize a Universal Health Care Program for all Americans.

A coordinated dividend from theses combined solution programs is a substantial automatic economic stimulus in jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA."

This blog originally was part of THE CANDU MEMORANDUM for Iraq, is now being expanded and separately published.

It should be read by the President (and President to be), Congress, and the media.

It uses the Theory of Tax-Enomics, to produce solutions for both economic and social problems facing our country (note I am the founder of this theory and its foremost authority).

Mr. President, we are trying to steer the ship to you.

Obviously, our dependence on Mid East oil (which has now risen to $142 per barrel) to meet our domestic energy needs has very significant influence on our Mid East policies. We need to expand and find energy conservation and alternative energy sources to remove our dependence on imported Mid East oil and to improve our environment, including the issue of global warming. We need to bring the full and maximum utilization of alternative energy sources with more efficiency in all devices that utilize energy.

However, I would note here from one of the published comments to my blog on Iraq by Larry Sanazaro, that it is also needed for the government in parallel to the above to provide the necessary consumer and industrial incentives to vastly stimulate energy conservation and to substantially reduce consumer and industrial oil consumption.

Additionally, many environmentalists have made a multitude of valid claims of damage to the environment from both fossil fuels and alternative energy sources. Nuclear power eventually may become very limited because we will run out of space on earth to store nuclear waste - certainly by the years 3000 and 4000.

Here are some suggestions for programs to provide solutions using the“Theory of Tax-Enomics

Today in many parts of the country we see particularly in the summertime that gasoline has 10% ethanol (thus the remaining 90% is gasoline derived from refined oil). What we need to see is 90% Ethanol and 10% gasoline. We can do this with the proper economic and tax incentives and the assistance of the Federal government by use of government grants. We need those pipe lines throughout the country, so that ethanol fuel from corn and cellulose from energy waste can flow easier to the consumer.

By utilizing significant tax incentives for the consumer and producer, ethanol gas (90% ethanol and 10% oil refined gas) could be produced in sufficient quantities and technological improvements to replace gasoline with only 10% ethanol as our primary source of energy for running motor vehicles and other public transportation. We need to get our airplanes to be able to utilize this (which I recently heard it now being tested for bio fuels) and other alternative energy sources, including nuclear power. The economic law of supply and demand will also improve the cost of these alternative energy sources, because the larger demand and supply could significantly reduce the unit cost of these alternative energy sources.

At this point I want to insert in to this blog an excerpt from a very recent news release:

Gulf Ethanol: Cellulose Efficiency Will Far Surpass Corn Based

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gulf Ethanol Corporation (OTC:GFET):

Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and
the University of Nebraska found that cellulose feed stocks can produce 540% more energy than is consumed in their production. Corn ethanol has been criticized by some as energy inefficient because it produces only 25% more energy than it takes to make it. Cellulose changes the energy equation for ethanol production. A five times energy output to energy input will make ethanol a very efficient renewable fuel.

Farmers in Nebraska and the Dakotas participated in the five-year study by planting switch grass and carefully recording all costs for fuel, fertilizer, etc. The study concludes that ethanol production would equal 300 gallons per acre. U.S. News and World Report states, “If cellulosic ethanol becomes a widespread fuel, it would be a boon for agricultural regions.”

However, as noted by Larry Sanazaro in his comment alternative energy sources such as sugar cane, corn and other ground grown sources of alternative energy may eventually effect the balance of nature such as rain forests and their depletion. Perhaps, as example, some better consumer and business incentives to maximize the use of speed limit reduction to the 55 MPH, which in the past has proven to be a very effective way of reducing gasoline (refined oil) consumption.

These sources of power have been totally underutilized. Many people argue that the unit cost and effectiveness (particularly of Solar Power) limits the growth and significant increase in their utilization. I say the opposite particularly as to SOLAR for the following reasons:

This is an alternative energy source appears to be unlimited in supply, which it my opinion makes it one of the best sources of alternative energy.

If we ask the question what will be our primary source of energy in the years 3000 and 4000 when we used up all the fossil fuels and bio fuels are limited or non-existant, because the world's poplulation has increased substantially more than 100 fold, Solar Power may be the only answer.

If this source of energy can be captured and stored cost effectively it could prove to be the most widely used alternative source of energy. Almost all other sources of energy that come from the earth including ground grown alternative sources may eventually, even if centuries away, be limited or non-existant in supply.

Imagine if we could store energy produced by Solar Power in sufficient quantities to heat and air condition our homes, businesses and government offices; to run our autos and trucks, perhaps even our ships and airplanes; to generate the power to run our businesses, industrial and government offices and plants; and all of our other energy needs. Imagine if we could have huge strategic reserves of stored Solar Power. I ask why trucks, cars, trains, airplanes and other transportation vehicles can not use Solar Panels on their roofs to gather Solar Power. All we have to do is find a way for the Solar Power to be stored more efficiently and magnified.

Obviously, this will take tremendous technology advancements to increase the efficiency and storage of Solar Power. Government and proper tax incentives could make this research possible , and the jobs should all be stamped "Made in the USA.".

I wish the President would have stated in the State of Union Speech, that the Federal Government, in partnership with all our State Governments ,would form a SOLAR WPA project that would produce within a 2 year period

1. 5,000,000 Solar Panels to be put on the roofs of all our government buildings including all military bases.

2. 20,000,000 Solar Panels to be put on the roofs of office buildings, schools, universities, and apartment buildings.

3. 25,000,000 Solar Panels to be put on the roofs of resident homes.

It has been said that it takes 9 weeks to train a worker to be able to produce Solar panels. The workers hired to do so would receive a one year contract for work, which would include the 9 weeks of training.

All these jobs under this program would be stamped "MADE IN THE USA." All Solar Panels would be manufactured domestically to provide additional jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA". The manufacturing material cost of the Solar Panel project would be substantially reduced by granting special investment tax credits and availability of government financing using low rate tax free government bonds to the manufacturers of the Solar Panels for meeting increased production of reasonably priced Solar Panels.

The financing for the entire cost of labor and materials for the installation of the Solar Panels for the non-government sector could be accomplished as follows:

1. The Panels would be installed where they would have all the power produced from Solar Panels would be transferred back and sold to the respective Utility companies. It would be sold back to the Utility companies at the same rate they are charging the respective consumer. There would be two meters on each property. The existing usage meter and a new meter for the sale of power to the utility companies, which would be subject to computerized government monitoring. As the power generated by the Solar Panels is immediately transferred to the utility company, there is no necessity to store it at the property owner's location.

  • 85% of the Power sold by the consumer to the Utility company would be applied to the utility's maintenance cost for the panels and the actual financial cost of the Solar Panels until fully paid for including the financing cost (the interest to carry the principal). This financial cost would be a separate government mortgage on the respective property and title to the Solar Panels would be held by the government until fully paid for.

  • It would use tax free low interest rate government bonds (both Federal and State, and not subject to AMT) to provide low cost financing through the FHA, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac for the installation of Solar Panels on the roofs of residential homes. This will add value to all homes acquiring Solar Panels. There would not be any out of pocket outlay cost by the private sector property owner.

  • 15% of the power sold by the consumer to the utility company would be applied to the consumer's charges from the utility company for the electricity used by the consumer.

  • The expansion in the manufacture of these panels will produce domestic "MADE IN THE USA" jobs. With an increase in technology applied to this manufacture of Solar Panels, these USA manufacturers could become substantial exporters in the future of these products to other countries that want to expand their alternative sources of energy to USA manufactured Solar Panels.

    4. 25,000,000 Electric or HYBRID Autos - all made in the USA which will be financed to the owners with tax free government bonds. Vehicles will have to get better than 40 miles per gallon and cost with normal equipment not more than $15,000. Special Tax credits will be issued to both the consumer and US manufacturer (all vehicles must be made and or assembled in the USA with JOBS stamped made or assembled in the USA). Two good examples, except for their current cost, of the ideal car would be:

    • A. The Tesla AC Current all electric vehicle has a torque that makes this vehicle "the highest 30 to 70 miles acceleration of a car ever made (tested." This car "has an aluminum extrusion body and carbon fiber top."Above INFO REPRINTED from AOL and Google. An expensive electric vehicle with all the right ideas, but very costly at present.

  • B. (THIS IS A direct REPRINT)
    The Provoq concept is GM's look at a fuel-cell electric vehicle for the luxury market. The Caddy Provoq is an all-electric production, using the fifth generation of GM's fuel-cell and two large hydrogen fuel tanks to make electricity for the lithium ion batteries and electric drive motor.
  • According to GM's spec sheet, the crossover-styled Caddy can travel 300 miles on a 6 kilogram hydrogen fill-up, 20 of it run in all-electric mode from the grid-charged batteries. (A kilogram of hydrogen compressed at 10,000 pounds per square inch is the energy equivalent of approximately one gallon of gasoline).
    Once the initial battery charge is depleted, the Caddy's E-Flex system relies on juice produced in the fuel cell (which mixes hydrogen with oxygen to make electricity) to power the all-wheel drive vehicle's electric motors – one driving the front wheels and a pair of individual wheel-mounted motors in the rear.
    The system can produce up to 88 kilowatts of power, a 10 percent increase from the system shown just eight months ago in Shanghai, and uses a 9 kW-hour battery pack with 60 kW peak power, versus an 8 kW-hour, 50 kW peak pack in the Shanghai version.

    GM claims a zero-60 mph acceleration time of 8.5 seconds for the Provoq, with a top speed of 100 mph.

    The concept uses lots of recycled and recyclable materials, features a brake-by-wire system that eliminates brake hydraulics, and has low-rolling-resistance tires from Michelin and solar panels in the roof to help generate power for auxiliary items such as the audio system and air conditioner.

    • Producing alternative energy vehicles such as the Tesla and the Cadillac Provok will be costly initially. However, if the technology used in these vehicles were adapted in a more mass produced US made vehicle with government subsidies and tax exempt financing and by tax credits to the producer and consumer it would make these vehicles a very desirable cost effective alternative to the current gas guzzlers. In the short term, we need a massive program nationwide to facilitate the use of natural gas for transportation fuel consumption. It is true we may have Bio Fuels, including synthetic bio fuels for many generations to come. However, they will be competing for other uses.
    As Solar power usage would be expanded to provide at a reasonable cost to the business, government and individual consumers substantial electric power particularly for heating, air conditioning and general power needs, our demand for this power from refined oil and electricity using refined oil will dramatically decrease. If we expand the use of electric autos, this power could be used ultimately to charge the batteries and power these vehicles. Gas stations could now have electric power outlets for autos to charge up. The efficiency of these electric charges would need to be dramatically increased.

    As Solar Energy from the sun is unlimited as an energy source, it probably is our best solution to find sufficient and unlimited domestic alternative energy without producing global warming or an in balance of nature. It should be noted that I have heard there is a new technology currently in use in Israel and in A section in California that makes use of mirrors and thinner Solar Panels. Additionally, infra-red rays from the Sun have been used.

    An interesting way to increase the effectiveness and decrease the unit cost of SOLAR POWER has not been exploited (except by a firm I believe in Texas from a rumor I heard).

    It is very simple. Do you remember when you were a child, someone would take a magnifying glass on a sunny day and get a piece of paper on the ground to burn? Well that was energy. Maybe we could find a way to increase effectiveness of SOLAR POWER and the condensed storage of SOLAR POWER by the use of magnification?
    Another idea would be Solar Panels on the roofs of all trains and container trucks. All we have to do is find a way to safely and cost effectively capture and store the energy heat generated by these roof solar panels With trains, they may be able to transmitt the power back immediately as generated thru the rail system.

    My ideas - but if someone spends the money maybe they could be made to work.

    Two additional sources of very powerful energy that has been totally underutilized. These two alternative sources of energy also appear to be of unlimited supply, but may be harder to control their intensity and frequency. However, they do appear to not cause any in balance to nature by their use.

    Obviously, the effectiveness for utilizing these two energy sources is presently limited by the unit cost to the consumer and producer. However, the unit cost is significantly decreased by a massive increase in their utilization. Also we need significant technological improvements to decrease the unit cost.This is where the Federal Government via a tax incentives and grants to US businesses in this field would have huge benefits.

    Also significant increase in the utilization of all of the above energy sources will have other positive effects to our economy and our environment such as:

    1. A positive effect on global warming. All of the above would have significant positive effects on the global warming problem that our children, grand-children and future generations will be facing.

    2. The economic benefit of utilization of American workers to produce locally this energy source could be a major source of "MADE IN USA" jobs and employment in the US, which would help our local economies grow, and at the same time will increase our base of taxpayers and thus increase tax revenues (without increasing tax rates) at both the Federal, State, and local levels.

    3. The reversal of our trade balances with external oil producers from the Mid East, South America and elsewhere, thus pouring US dollars back into the US economy instead of the pockets of foreign oil producing countries.
    It should be able to remove our dependence on the importation of fuel oil within a two year period if we put the full SOLAR WPA PROGRAM into effect, if this program is combined with nationwide expanded program to produce reasonably priced electric autos.

    Some people would say this is too expensive and too costly for our government to massively utilize these alternative energy sources ( that have unlimited quantities, far in excess of all of the oil reserves). The cost of not to do this is far more expensive, particularly if in future generations we run out of fossil fuels or caused excessive global warming.

    "Green Jobs" used in implementing such energy saving devices, such as installing and manufacturing Solar Panels, will ultimately significantly reduce the cost of increased utilization of these alternative energy sources, and these jobs would be stamped "MADE IN THE USA".

    There are other parts of this solution that here that could have several very positive effects on our economy described as follows:

    Some have called for the privatization of the Social Security Fund Accounts. Those that have argued against privatization argue that the Social Security Fund should be untouchable and retirees; benefits if not paid to some would generate the need for more public welfare as an offset for lost benefits.

    Well, we could do a compromise with no risk to the retirees, but a way to significantly increase the Social Security Fund and protect our consumers and the economy from price gouging by foreign oil producers.
    Here is the TAX-ENOMICS proposal:

    A. The Federal Government would transfer financial ownership of the strategic oil reserve to an investment fund to be owned by the Social Security Fund. Annually, the Federal Government - Congress and the President as part of our annual budget would appropriate and transfer sufficient funds to this investment fund sufficient to increase the strategic oil reserve by 5%.

    • Whenever the price of oil would drop low enough, this investment fund of the Social Security Fund would buy in the open market from the new funds appropriated, additional oil (or possibly oil futures) for the Strategic Oil Reserve.

    • Whenever the market has the artificial rises in the price of oil the investment fund of the Social Security Fund will sell off a portion of its strategic oil reserve in the open market at the higher prices (LIKE THE RECENT RISE TO $100 A BARREL) to force the price of oil down by increasing the oil supply domestically. At the same time this investment fund of the Social Security Fund will turn a tidy profit for the Social Security Fund. MORE POWER FOR THE BUCK INVESTED.
    B. This investment fund owned by the Social Security Fund would also invest part of its funds in long-term financing for consumers and businesses investment in alternative energy sources such as the SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION GOVERNMENT BONDS.

    • Again we would have a compound effect of generating additional and higher income for the fund and encouraging with government financing the consumer and business investment in alternative energy sources and equipment.

    • In both cases the Federal Government would be a guarantor for the Social Security Fund's investment to protect it from any loss, which under the above plans should never happen.
    C. The third part of the Tax-Enomics proposal is meant to more equitably increase the Social Security fund in a unique way.

    It is somewhat similar, but uniquely different than Senator Barack Obama's proposal for uncapping the Social Security tax.

    Briefly recapping the present structure, we have a 6.2% FIXED RATE Social Security Payroll tax assessed separately for both employee and employer against all earned income (salaries and wages) with a cap now at $97,500.

    For everyone below this present $97,500 thresh hold this payroll tax is a 6.2% payroll tax withheld of their gross earned income. In some cases at the lower end, this a larger tax than the income tax assessed the taxpayer.

    For everyone above this $97,500 thresh hold this tax is a declining variable rate of their gross income earned. See the following chart, which shows the drastic declining rate of payroll tax percentage of gross earned income earned above the present tax threshold of $97,500:


    TAX *******Income*******SS Tax
    RATE***** Tax Base*****TAX WH
    6.20% $****5,000.00 $***310.00
    6.20% $***10,000.00 $***620.00
    6.20% $***15,000.00 $***930.00
    6.20% $***20,000.00 $*1,240.00
    6.20% $***25,000.00 $*1,550.00
    6.20% $***30,000.00 $*1,860.00
    6.20% $***35,000.00 $*2,170.00
    6.20% $***40,000.00 $*2,480.00
    6.20% $***45,000.00 $*2,790.00
    6.20% $***50,000.00 $*3,100.00
    6.20% $***60,000.00 $*3,720.00
    6.20% $***70,000.00 $*4,340.00
    $***80,000.00 $*4,960.00
    6.20% $***90,000.00 $*5,580.00
    6.20% $***97, 500.00 $*6,045.00
    6.05% $**100,000.00 $*6,045.00
    4.84% $**125,000.00 $*6,045.00
    4.03% $**150,000.00 $*6,045.00
    3.45% $**175,000.00 $*6,045.00
    3.02% $**200,000.00$*6,045.00
    2.42% $**250,000.00 $*6,045.00
    2.02% $**300,000.00 $*6,045.00
    1.73% $**350,000.00 $*6,045.00
    1.51% $**400,000.00 $*6,045.00
    1.34% $**450,000.00 $*6,045.00
    1.21% $**500,000.00 $*6,045.00
    1.10% $**550,000.00 $*6,045.00
    1.01% $**600,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.93% $**650,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.86% $**700,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.81% $**750,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.76% $**800,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.71% $**850,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.67% $**900,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.64% $**950,000.00 $*6,045.00
    0.60%$1,000,000.00 $*6,045.00

    Accordingly, from this chart, it becomes obvious that this payroll tax is a MINIMUM HIDDEN AMT TAX FOR ALL TAX PAYERS EARNING LESS $97,500 with absolutely (unless self-employed) no deductions available. It is a declining rate and disappearing NON AMT Payroll Tax for all Taxpayers earning more than $97,500.

    It is interesting that throughout history the income tax laws (both Federal and State) have a graduated tax rate that basically increases in its tax rate as the net taxable income of the taxpayer increases. The lower the net taxable income subject to tax, the lower the rate. Someone, when they designed the income tax rates seemed to feel that the taxpayer with little taxable income could ill afford to pay a higher rate of tax than the taxpayer with a larger taxable income.

    However, when you look at the chart above, the designers of the Social Security tax, which rates have substantially increased since its inception, developed a tax that is at a higher rate for the people least able to afford and pay it.

    Now we also must recognize that the employer of the taxpayer bears a matching portion of this tax.

    To the employer this payroll tax he bears is a PAYROLL TAX EXPENSE that adds no value to the employers goods and services produced. This payroll tax expense under the present program is also a deterrent to economic growth because in some cases, it is cheaper sometimes to employ a few high paid employees to replace several lower paid employees.
    It substantially increases the cost of doing business and in some cases, because of its cost have put some employers out of business.

    Not withstanding, the present program has come about using the principal that today's payers of the payroll tax will pay the present retirees benefits. This only works in the long run when the tax base expands at a greater rate than the expansion rate of benefits paid out currently. Our impending crisis in the future solvency of the Social Security Fund looms above us now is that the benefits being paid out and to be paid out are increasing at a higher rate than the payroll tax revenues being received by the fund.

    Now let us look at a unique possible solution to revising in a fair manner the assessment of this payroll tax against the employee and the employer. A fair manner for assessing the employee his share should be at a graduated rate, so that this AMT Payroll tax on earned income, will be assessed more on the ability of the taxpayer to afford and to pay the tax. We would also like to find a way to increase domestic employment with an increase in new jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA". At the same time we would like to ease the employer's burden of this payroll tax expense, so that his cost of using domestic labor - jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA" is decreased. At the same time in finding a way to revise this tax, we must find a way or ways to match the benefits paid out to the payroll tax revenue assessed and received. If not matched, at least a lot closer than the present disparity.

    Well now I have given you a perfect wish list for what appears as an impossible solution, I have a surprise for you. It is possible using the principles of the Theory of Tax-Enomics (see my separate blog).

    • The key here is to increase the tax base by increasing sufficiently the number of taxpayers. At the same time decreasing effectively the payroll tax rates used in assessing both the employee and the employers Portions of the tax.

    If we change the present PAYROLL TAX FIXED RATE of 6.2% to a graduated rate with no caps for the employee and or the employer, we will have a far more equitable method of assessing this payroll tax rate based more on the ability to afford and pay the tax. Simultaneously, it will stimulate domestic economic job growth in additional new jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA".

    • The result to the employee earning $97,500.00 or less will be that this taxpayer is paying a lower rate of PAYROLL TAX and therefore will have more disposable income to pay his bills with, to pay his mortgage with, to save, to pay off his consumer credit, and to spend in domestic consumption which stimulates local economic local growth.

    • The result to the employer is that his payroll tax cost per employee is lowered so that the employer is encouraged to hire more employees at the lower salary levels, than one highly paid employee at higher salary levels.

    The Chart below proposes a graduated tax rate with a lower starting rate - similar to the manner that most income taxes Federal and State tax income. It will still be a Minimum "AMT" Payroll tax, but it is assessed in a more equitable manner.

    This chart with its proposed graduated rate will provide substantial relief to middle and lower income tax payers, who desperately need the tax relief. However, it will actually increase tax revenue flowing to the Social Security fund. because it will be cost effective to hire, for example two $50,000 employees, rather than pay one employee $100,000 thru overtime etc.

    To defeat the argument that this tax program now excessively taxes the richer taxpayers earning more than $200,000 a year with no increase in Social Security benefits, the program would have two other provisions:

    Any tax collected above $6,500 level in any year from the employee would be allowed as a non-refundable, but carry forward credit, towards the AMT Income Tax. Any used credits for taxpayers over the age of 65 would become eligible to be applied to regular income tax as a non-refundable credit. (This will help Seniors needing any income tax relief).

    Self-employed Taxpayers (who pay 12.4% SE TAX - the employee and employer portions) would be capped on their Self Employment income at $200,000 - $6,500.00.

    The employer portion (expense portion of the tax to the employer) would be capped at $9,750 per employee (the amount assessed against an employee earning $300,000.00).


    FICA SS**** INCOME********FICA SS******><*FICA
    Tax Rate***Tax BASE*******TAX**********><*Tax Rate*Tax*>

    6.20% $****5,000.00***$****310.00******2.50%$****125.00
    6.20% $***10,000.00***$****620.00******2.55%$****255.00
    6.20% $***15,000.00***$****930.00******2.60%$****390.00
    6.20% $***20,000.00***$**1,240.00******2.65%$****530.00
    6.20% $***25,000.00***$**1,550.00******2.70%$****675.00
    6.20% $***30,000.00***$**1,860.00******2.75%$****825.00
    6.20% $***35,000.00***$**2,170.00******2.80%$****980.00
    6.20% $***40,000.00***$**2,480.00******2.85%$**1,140.00
    6.20% $***45,000.00***$**2,790.00******2.90%$**1,305.00
    6.20% $***50,000.00***$**3,100.00******2.95%$**1,475.00
    6.20% $***60,000.00***$**3,720.00******3.00%$**1,800.00
    6.20% $***70,000.00***$**4,340.00******3.05%$**2,135.00
    6.20% $***80,000.00***$**4,960.00******3.10%$**2,480.00
    6.20% $***90,000.00***$**5,580.00******3.15%$**2,835.00
    6.20% $***97,500.00***$**6,045.00******3.20%$**3,120.00
    6.05% $**100,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**3,250.00
    4.84% $**125,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**4,062.50
    4.03% $**150,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**4,875.00
    3.45% $**175,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**5,687.50
    3.02% $**200,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**6,500.00
    2.42% $**250,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**8,125.00
    2.02% $**300,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$**9,750.00
    1.73% $**350,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*11,375.00
    1.51% $**400,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*13,000.00
    1.34% $**450,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*14,625.00
    1.21% $**500,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*16,250.00
    1.10% $**550,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*17,875.00
    1.01% $**600,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*19,500.00
    0.93% $**650,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*21,125.00
    0.86% $**700,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*22,750.00
    0.81% $**750,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*24,375.00
    0.76% $**800,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*26,000.00
    0.71% $**850,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*27,625.00
    0.67% $**900,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*29,250.00
    0.64% $**950,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*30,875.00
    0.60% $1,000,000.00***$**6,045.00******3.25%$*32,500.00


    1. Immediate substantial tax relief to all taxpayers with earned taxable income earning less than $200,000 per year (both employees and Self-employed taxpayers), with an equitable adjustment for those earning over $200,000 per year. The tax is now being assessed more on the ability to afford and pay the tax.

    2. Immediate substantial tax relief to businesses with employees earning less than $200,000 per year. The relief is so substantial a the lower end, that it will encourage businesses to hire more employees and thus create new jobs - stamped "MADE IN THE USA".

    3. From the increase in the number of new taxpayers earning and contributing to the Social Security System (as incentified by the program's lower rates for employers hiring an increase in lower income taxpayers), and from the higher amounts of Social Security tax collected from upper income high paid employees (who can better afford the increased tax) will offset the lower amounts collected from the lower to middle income taxpayers earning less than $200,000. The "golden parachutes" will have a little less gold.

    As part of the above program, as a means to help subsidize a Universal Health Basic Care Program, the employee and the employer would now each be assessed each a 1.45% "Health Basic Care Tax", with no cap. Although some might consider this new payroll tax an "AMT" tax, it is being assessed equitably at the same tax rate to all taxpayers with earned income, who are benefiting from the tax.

    This Health Basic Care Tax would be assessed against Unemployment Insurance Benefits at the rate of 2.9%.

    Social Security Benefit holders who are not eligible for Medicare (under age) would be assessed the same Health Basic Care Premium as Medicare Recipients.

    The proceeds of the tax would be used in a Universal Health Basic Care Program, that would operate similar to the medicare program. Employers would be able to lower their regular health care costs, because this new Health Basic Care Tax would be the premium for the Health Basic Care Program. The program would provide for Universal Basic Health Care and major desease health care.

    Employers, at a substantial savings to their present health care costs, could offer or pay for a group Health Care Medi-Gap Program (similar to the AARP Medi-Gap Program) , that would pickup medical costs not paid for by the Health Basic Care Tax Program. One of the advantages of this program would be the reduction in paper work for the insured.

    This program could bring Universal Health care in a combination of the two programs - Health Basic Care Program and the Health Care Medigap Program to be economically affordable and equal to the Congressional Health Insurance Program (presently available to Senators and Congressmen). The Health Care Medi-Gap Programs would be able to bring medical insurance costs to be more competitive.

    All other cost saving steps, such as, but not limited to, digital medical records and national negotiation of insurance and medical costs, to reduce overall medical costs should be used where ever possible. There should be a high tech overseer program to that would monitor any abuses within the system. With technological advanced digital medical records and insurance coordination, this will be a major part of keeping medical costs from being abused.


    At this point it should be noted that we did not bring the 1.45% Medicare Tax into this program as it is now being assessed equitably with no caps on all taxpayers with earned income. Thus all taxpayers, bear the tax at the same rate. True, it is an AMT Payroll tax, but it is equitably shared by all taxpayers assessed who will benefit from the Medicare Tax.

    However, the employers who also bear the 1.45% Medicare tax and the 1.45% Health Basic Health Care tax as an expense with no caps, should be eligible to receive a JOBS CREDIT for an increase in new hires (New Jobs stamped as "MADE IN THE USA").


    The JOBS CREDIT would establish the prior calendar year as the base year for base QUALIFYING wages.

    • The base QUALIFYING wages would be all Medicare/Health Basic Care Taxable Wages from Employees earning LESS than $50,000 per year in the PRIOR taxable year.

    • Eligible JOBS CREDIT wages would be all Medicare-Health Basic Care Taxable Wages from Employees earning LESS than $50,000 per year in the CURRENT taxable year.


    • The JOBS CREDIT would be computed as part of the year-end Federal Income Tax form ( a very simple 1 page form). The credit could be applied as a NON-Refundable Income Tax Credit or by the Employer as credit on the quarterly payroll tax form (FM.941) as a NON-Refundable credit not to exceed in any quarter the amount of Medicare Tax reported on the form. The credit would be charged by US Treasury against the General Fund, not against the Social Security Fund or the Medicare Tax Fund.

    It should be noted here that all of the above tax programs produce for both the employee and employer each

    1. A NEW COMBINED PAYROLL TAX RATE of a maximum of only 6.15% (3.25% SS Tax +1.45% MC Tax +1.45% HBC Tax) compared to the PRESENT COMBINED PAYROLL TAX RATES of 7.65% (6.20% SS Tax +1.45% MC Tax).

    2. For wages below $100,000 per year the NEW COMBINED RATE DECREASES DOWN GRADUALLY to as low as 4.95%.
    Thus by increasing the Tax Base equitably for taxpayers, Combined Payroll Tax Rates, including a new Health Basic Care Tax, have actually been substantially reduced with new benefits added (Basic Health Care). The program should stimulate and create jobs domestically ("MADE IN THE USA").

    In summary the above programs, using the principles from The Theory of Tax-Enomics provide solutions to many inter related Economic and Social Problems facing the President (and President to be) and Congress primarily as follows:

    • The programs are specifically designed to INCREASE the Taxpayer Base, and Lower the Tax Rates for Middle and Lower Earned Income Taxpayers, and economically stimulate domestic employment and domestic consumption. At the same time the above programs will be the major step towards Universal Health Care, without burdening the employer and employee. They should bring jobs back to the US by effectively lower business payroll tax and health care costs.

    • Programs for expansion of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection, with economic benefits of an increase in domestic employment (Jobs stamped "MADE IN THE USA"), improvement in our balance of trade, economic savings for the American Taxpayer Consumer, and a substantial reduction in the domestic consumption of imported refined oil.

    • Programs to bring solvency to the Social Security Fund, without privatization, and equity to the assessment of this AMT Payroll Tax on the employee, employer and the Self-employed.
    As JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

  • Well Mr. President (or President to be) I am trying to do a "Mitzvah". I only hope you will listen. Then you can do a "Mitzvah".
  • MRCANDU10 (Cousin of MR GET-IT DONE)

    Sunday, September 14, 2008



    I dedicate THE CANDU MEMORANDUM - IRAQ to every member of our armed forces - the troops. Every single soldier's life should be treasured as it represents our nation's treasure.

    BY FAX,Email, and WEB MAIL
    A letter to a President (and a President to be), Congress
    and the media

    that every Presidential candidate both Democratic and Republican should read

    For the Presidential Candidates - If you Read this Blog - use its ideas, then you will get the keys to the White House and a 4 year renewable lease.


    Top Blogs

    I will try to steer the ship to you Mr. President

    This BLOG has been expanded and up dated from previous faxes to the President, Congress and the media.

    Updated May 14, 2008


    A Timely solution (a real working bi-partisan plan) for a President and for Congress on how to decisively win the War in Iraq and Leave with honor and


    We will need less "Golden Hours" for the medical teams in Iraq.

    Dear Mr. President ,

    I want to stop the tears in my eyes and those of the families of our beloved troops who have been lost or wounded. I want to find a way to stop the coffins draped in American flags from coming home, but I want to honor the memory of those that did, so that their deaths will not be in vein. I want the troops to be able to leave Iraq with honor and a new mission accomplished. A difficult task, but not impossible.

    I see the importance of not leaving IRAQ until the mission is accomplished


    Mr. President, you have said when it would be time for our troops to leave Iraq, when the Iraqi troops stand up, our troops will be able to stand down.

    We should also expect the Iraqi people to stand up with their troops as part of this plan. They must be Iraqis first and then define themselves as Sunni, Shiite or Kurd (just as they
    expressed pride in their recent international sports victory).

    In the US we are FIRST citizens of the the US and then residents of a particular state and or city, or defined second by our ethnic orientation.

    You have stated clearly we are not in Iraq as occupiers but we are liberators of a people who we want to give the freedom of choice.

    Freedom of choice should include the right of the Iraqi people to vote us out.

    Congress missed the boat. The American people have stood up and spoken.

    The American people, the US Armed forces and the Iraqi people have “skin in the game”, it is time that the Iraqi people fully participate in establishing security for themselves in their own country.

    It is time now for the Iraqi people to step up to the plate. They must stand up. They must speak and the voice of the Iraqi people must be heard loud and clear by both the Iraqi government and the US government.

    They have to fight for their freedom and speak with their vote. We have seen the use of the most powerful weapon in Iraq - that is the VOTE WEAPON - the vote by the IRAQI people.

    They have seen the honor and dignity of the democratic voting process by the people. The American people during the months of the democratic campaigns have seen the power of the VOTE WEAPON.

    You have said you would listen to a good idea, so here is one that I hope you will listen and discuss its possibility. This would be real “sachel” on your part. An honorable Exit Plan for IRAQ with a new mission accomplished A true BI-Partisan solution, which will get international support and approval.

    This plan lets the Iraqi people (not the Iraqi Government or the US Government) set term limits for our forces to be in Iraq and for the Iraqi people and their armed forces to stand up. This plan can be utilized even if we want to reduce or increase our forces in Iraq (the surge approach) during its


    A national referendum to be held every two months in Iraq with only three questions - YES or NO on each question as follows:


    Do you want the Iraqi troops and security forces to take over fully Iraqi security and for US troops to leave Iraq at the end of one year from the date of this first vote?


    Do you consider yourself as first an IRAQI CITIZEN and SECOND By your origin-ethnic Affiliation of SUNNI, SHIITE, or KURD?


    Do you want an Iraqi National Government to govern the Iraqi people instead of Al Qaeda or an Iranian sponsored government?

    If the results of this referendum for the FIRST QUESTION are yes, you, the Iraqi citizen, will have an opportunity every two months to vote again and confirm your vote by two more consecutive national referendums. or if you have changed your mind because you feel that Iraq needs the US troops to remain in Iraq for adequate security on the same question then you can vote no.

    When the RESULTS FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE NATIONAL REFERENDUMS for the FIRST QUESTION are yes, the US Troops will leave (redeploy outside of Iraq) within 6 months of the results of the 3rd consecutive positive referendum. The referendums will continue to be run every two months or monthy after 6 months until there are THREE POSITIVE RESULTS on QUESTION 1

    The idea is simple. (So simple that it is scary)

    When the IRAQI PEOPLE- NOT the Iraqi or US governments

    have voted by three consecutive referendums for our troops to leave, then the IRAQI people - not the Iraqi government nor the US government - will have spoken and we should abide.

    In one of your speeches you even said so.

    Then we can leave with honor and our new mission will be accomplished. WE WILL NOT BE “CUTTING AND RUNNING”.

    • Our troops will now be true heroes, because they will now be seen in Iraq not as occupiers but as liberators - the way we wanted them to be seen. The Iraqi people will now know that anytime they feel secure enough with their own troops and security forces, and have voted accordingly three consecutive times, that we will redeploy within six months or sooner outside Iraq. The Iraqi people will know that we stay in Iraq at their invitation (not their Government's) , and they have the power at anytime by three consecutive positive referendum votes tor revoke our invitation.

      Either way we win, because even if the "bad guys" want us out - they have to democratically vote to get us out, and they have to do it three times in a row!!

      Every vote is a bullet in the eye of a terrorist or insurgent.

    Now we have true honorable term limits on our mission. I believe someone famous (FDR) once said, " the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".

    • Are we afraid or do we fear to let the Iraqi people (not the Iraqi Government or our Government) speak and be heard, and for the Iraqi people to decide how long our troops will stay in Iraq?

    • This idea could be modified to hold the vote more or less frequently every month or quarterly instead of every two months.

    However, the total votes should be spread over a least the first 6 months for it truly to be effective and decisive.

    Now look at the results of this idea when applied.

    1. Iraqis will no longer feel that we are occupiers because they can vote us out. We will be winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. Our military presence has been the rallying cry of the insurgents.and Al Qaeda.

    By the SECOND QUESTION - PART A OF THE NEW MISSION -the Iraqis will have to decide whether they are FIRST IRAQIS or FIRST SUNNI, SHIITE, OR KURD. If they say they are Iraqis first, this does not mean that they give up their ethnic origin, only that they are one people with different ethnic origins. By this question they decide if they want to be one nation of Iraqis, with seperate ethnic areas or states.

    By the THIRD QUESTION - PART B OF THE NEW MISSION - the IRAQI PEOPLE will have to decide if they want their own Iraqi National Government to govern Iraq, or a non- Iraqi government run by Al Qaeda or an Iranian
    sponsored government?
    This does not mean that local governments can not be ethnically or local origin oriented.

    This is the political solution our military needs to be successful.

    QUESTIONS 2 & 3 are PARTS A & B of the NEW MISSION.

    No plan can truly be successful in Iraq or anywhere else in the Middle East unless we have won the hearts and minds of the people we are fighting for and they define who they are.

    2. The Iraqi Army and Police (Internal security forces) will have ample time to prepare themselves to fully assume the responsibility and stand up, so our forces can stand down. The Iraqi Army and Police will know that they have term limits to stand up and be counted. If the Iraqi people can vote us out, then they will have to be able to assume the responsibility.

    The VOTE WEAPON is the Achilles heel of the terrorist. He can not defeat it because he has no government. It has been the most successful weapon used in Iraq against terrorists and insurgents. It has defeated the terrorists and insurgents every time it has been used in Iraq. The only way the terrorists and insurgents can get us out is by encouraging the Iraqi people to vote yes, and/or by their not committing acts of violence against Iraqi people that would discourage a yes vote.

    4. The VOTE WEAPON can be expanded to accomplish more. Give the Iraqi people something to vote on and they will respond. Democracy wins and terror loses every time. Examples such as three separate entities with a common federal government, with the sharing of national assets (the oil revenues). The Iraqi people could vote on proposals by national referendum to list the priorities and their order of importance to the Iraqi people - Security, Electric Power, Full employment, education, religious freedom. The Iraqi government, if it follows the vote will now have the power to implement these items with the support of the Iraqi people. The Iraqi government will receive its own term limits by their responses to the National Referendums.

    Use of the VOTE WEAPON in Iraq properly and creatively allows the Iraqi people to practice democracy in its purest form.

    6. Use of the VOTE WEAPON will have both bi-partisan and international support. It is time now to win the war on terror decisively - we can do so decisively with the VOTE WEAPON. With success of the VOTE WEAPON in Iraq, peoples of other nations will demand to be able to use this weapon instead of the terrorist weapons now be used to express dissatisfaction with existing governments. It is definitely more powerful than any military weapon we possess for accomplishing the MISSION in IRAQ and the WAR ON TERROR. It is


    Now if we add to this idea the World’s Second most powerful Weapon to deal directly with Iran, Syria and North Korea - a proven diplomatic team with a true Bi-partisan and international approval.

    You guessed it Presidents Bush and Clinton, and we could even have the Russians throw in Michael Gorbachev to round out the team. The British could add Tony Blair.

    All of the above are now statesman and former politicians. Where could you find a more powerful proven and experienced diplomatic statesmen team, who if given the full power to negotiate as a unanimous team will be very difficult to oppose. Now the principals in the opposing countries that they negotiate with will be facing a powerful, but proven weapon. More powerful than a B 2 Stealth bomber!

    If the team needs a good advisor the President should draft Donald Trump whose credentials include his book "The Art of a Deal". After all everything that is negotiated has really to do with real estate world wide!! Who better to negotiate real estate?? Other advisers who could be instrumental in the success of this diplomatic team would be Tony Robbins (probably the best analyst in people motivation) and possibly Catherine Bell (her expert knowledge of Farsi- Grandmother was Iranian born- in addition to her fame throughout the world as a star of JAG might be extremely useful in dealing with Iran). These additional advisers to the “Statesmen Team of Bush Sr. Clinton.Gorbachev and Blair” would have international and bi-partisan support.

    This now would truly be the world’s second most powerful weapon system. One of the real advantages of this team would be that its leaders are recognized now as experienced statesmen and not as politicians seeking reelection.

    This team could even meet with the leaders of other Middle East countries to influence them to have national referendums - even if they want their people to express by referendum their disapproval of the United States.

    The key here is every time their people vote - regardless of the topic voted on - they practice democracy.


    The US armed forces have many troops deployed throughout the world outside of Iraq and Afghanistan. Now with the increase in technology and air power, our international need to station troops in other countries is not equal to that of the past. In Iraq we have had very few other countries (other than Great Britain) with any significant troop support and now the Brits are almost gone. In Afghanistan, at least we have NATO troops with a significant presence. Here is a military partial solution to give relief to our troops in the field.

    We will “borrow our troops” in other countries and have the local country's troops fill the gap until our troops can leave IRAQ.

    Examples are as follows:


    We have about 35,000 troops there. We should reduce this to 10,000 or less troops and borrow South Korean Troops to fill the void. Our diplomatic team will let North Korea know what we are doing in not meant to threaten them or establish weakness on our part in any way. With South Korea our Air Power at sea can certainly fill this void together with the replacement by South Korean Troops. The cost of maintaining the South Korean troops in place of our troops would be borne by the South Koreans. Our troops, may come back some time in the future to replace the “borrowed” South Korean troops. I believe Our “DIPLOMATIC SOLUTION TEAM”, with its team of suggested advisers could make North Korea understand this.

    Our troops there cost our government and taxpayers a pretty penny and provide an unfavorable balance of trade in part because the money to support these troops there does little benefit for the US economy. We can still leave a smaller contingent there and “borrow Japanese troops” (to be paid for by the Japanese government not our government) to fill the void.

    With the exception of military medical and hospitals units located
    in Germany, including related air bases that support these facilities, we should look to reduce US Government armed forces to a minimal force. We can still leave a smaller contingent there and “borrow German troops” (to be paid for by the German government, not our government) to fill the void.

    It is true that all of these troops “redeployed” from the other countries may not be an exact match for those used and needed in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, many of them could be utilized to increase in AFGHANISTAN the hunt for Osama Bin-Laden.

    Not withstanding, the “borrowing” of these troops and their redeployment would provide significant relief to our present troops, including National Guardsman, deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. As an accountant I would call this a better utilization of existing “assets” to provide additional human resources and cost savings.

    If the above POLITICAL and DIPLOMATIC solutions are employed, we may even be able to get NATO replacements in IRAQ.


    The economic problems in these countries are breeding place for our security difficulties in these countries. By use of the VOTE WEAPON, we can let the people prioritize what they want and in what order. Jobs , education , medical facilities, safe markets, water, power utilities etc. could be on the national referendums to give the Iraqi government a priority list for order of importance to the Iraqi people. It is true all of these problem areas are of significant importance to all of the Iraqi people. Not withstanding, it will allow the Iraq government to have the guidance from the Iraqi people as to what they consider to be of importance and the order they want for solving these Iraqi problems.

    With international support and additional security provided by NATO troops, the ECONOMIC SOLUTION would be an integral part of the total solution.


    Another suggestion so the American People can support the troops, the vets, and their families, which we really need to do after recent events such as the problems from Walter Reed. We need a check off box on the form 1040 just like the $1.00 box for the Presidential fund. This one could be labeled the


    Each taxpayer could check off whether they want $5.00 of their taxes to go to the fund (or less if Congress does not want to give up some Congressional Universal Pork Programs).

    I would make Bill Gates and Warren Buffet co-chairmen of the fund All other employees hired by the fund to assist in its administration, should either be, if qualified, Disabled War Vets, unemployed War Vets, or members of their families.

    This idea will not be a favorite for the Presidential candidates, who seek matching funds. However, Gates and Buffet I am sure would make the plan work properly with cost effectiveness. They are proven business managers.


    • This part of this blog has been moved to its own seperate blog

    As JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

    Well Mr. President I am trying to do a "Mitzvah". I only hope you will listen. Then you can do a "Mitzvah".

    I leave you with one other thought from


    Politicians, Governments, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretaries of State and Defense, Foreign Ministers, Defense Ministers, Parliaments, Congress and Generals make and declare War.

    However, it is always WE THE PEOPLE (and rarely, but not never, any of the above) who with our national treasure - the volunteer youths of our country who have to fight and die in the wars.

    True statesmen after considering all the consequences from the loss of our national treasure who will only use war as a last method of dealing with radical, totalitarian governments and their dictators that support terrorism.

    Just as the pen is mightier than the sword, the "VOTE WEAPON" is more powerful than our mightiest military weapon. It is the missing political and military solution needed today. It is time to unleash its power to win decisively THE WAR ON TERROR worldwide.

    The White House comment line liked my ideas and asked that I fax and
    or Email it to the White House comment fax line. Even if you do not agree with my ideas, I hope I will not get the usual boilerplate intern written response from the director of White House communications ( I have too many of those already). If you disagree tell me why they will not work. I do not believe you can.

    Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. A personal response would be appreciated, even if you disagree with the ideas.

    Respectfully yours,

    MRCANDU10 (Cousin of MR GET-IT DONE)

    Lloyd Michael Abrahams CPA